Tuesday 31 May 2016

when the view at night is on point !

Taipei (Taiwan)

My parents and I stayed at the Shangri-la Hotel in Taipei during our family christmas holiday to Taiwan. This was the view from the hotel from the Macro Polo lounge on the 38th Floor.

My second home and favourite city - Hong Kong 

All photos are taken by me 

Monday 30 May 2016


我认为最漂亮的风景是香港的夜景,每次去一个地方或国家都会想去看夜景. 我也会想同身边最亲和爱的人一起欣赏. 我份人很喜欢浪漫, 好想做韩国电视剧中的女主角!
,你们可能觉得得我很着迷;我有时也会觉得!但是我希望下一次去欣赏一个成市的夜景的时候,会同男朋友一起!我觉得可以同心爱的人一起分享快乐是一个luxury. Time is love! 最近遇到一个男仔  …但是我的好朋友告诉我;他只是想同我做朋友…。每次在大学图书馆看到他会很开心,但是也会很紧张! 不知道应该跟他说什么但是很想了解他深一层。

七月中我会飞回香港,有缘無份的我们有机会看到對方吗?如果会我会跟你说什么?你会跟我一起 浪浪漫漫地看夜景吗?你会跟我一起食饭吗?我不开心的时候你会在我身边吗?我当然希望你会。但是 reality is harsh and brutal , 所以我觉得有缘無份!我觉得你很师也很可爱!他又做 model , 很有confidence and charisma 的你…每次看到你我很开心,你是为一个人可以让我大笑或者大哭的人!有一次在四月中deadline 前两个星期,我在library 工作中,在早上十一点开始工作到晚上六点,你也一样有deadline 所以工作很晚,到了五点半你所有朋友都离开,但是你继续留在!我坐在我前面,一抬起我的头会看到你…在这个时候我应该开心还是不开心!感觉好次你在我身边跟我一起努力工作!感觉很浪漫好sweet! 不知道我在你心目中你怎样的女人,是一个好的良好形象吗?会不会留在你身边吗?如果不会…我只可以跟你说再见……!虽然在这几个月我很努力忘记你,但是我做不到。我每天会想起你,很想念你! 

记得上课第一天有个男仔冲进来课室,第一眼看到觉得他很可爱和师!但是结果他是进错教室了..... ! 感觉难过的我己为好𣶶有个师哥同我同班!之后在Facebook 看到我们有 mutual friends 同我同课所以在Facebook add 他!在大学常常见到他,但是大家不认识对方。之后同朋友做个交易, 因为我们都有喜欢的男仔但是太 shy 去 say hi ! 过了几个月之后,我认为她已经忘记这个事倩,但是她沒有!早上两点 message 我说她同 person J 在 snapchat 聊天几个小时了,所以 I have to hold my side of the bet and ... Message 我的 person A ! 当时是二月十五号,情人节的第二天!

到底我们可能做到男女朋友或者只是朋友…我不知道之可以在我的blog 写我的心情,现在是五月三十一号,早上的两点!不知道看到这个blog post 会有什么的反应! 觉得我很疯狂和愚蠢吗?希望你们不会!


Are we just friends ? This is just a story that happened and is still happening in my life, I wanted to write my thoughts and share it as a story. 

Thursday 12 May 2016

London's Best Hidden Places ! Best places for pictures

As a Londoner myself, I love exploring and finding new trendy restaurants and places to chill with friends. 
So here are a few places that I would recommend ( Even though somplaces are outside of London, in Surrey ) , especially if you see a less touristy side of London! 

( Even though some places are outside of London, in Surrey )  

Mayfield Lavender Farm - North Surrey Downs

Kingly Court - Carnaby 

Forest On The Roof - Selfridges ( Top Floor) 

Grosvenor Square- Mayfair 

Epsom Downs Racehorse - ( can see the view of central London) 

Hyde Park - ( View of the London Eye and the Shard) 

Hyde Park 

 Whoevers house this is > Im Jealous 

Marylebone Park

Regent Street - London at night

Sammy xx

Monday 9 May 2016

Night time Skincare Routine for Acne/ Oily Skin !

For my Night time routine I like to use more high end products, since this is the time your skin cells rejuvenates itself whilst you sleep! Hence BEAUTY SLEEP ! 

First Cleanser: Cleansing Oil 

Cleansing Oil has become very popular within the recent years, and I can defiantly see why. Using an oil cleanser to take off your makeup is the most efficient way of ensuring all your makeup is throughly removed without drying or damaging your skin. 

My favourite oil cleanser is the Body shop Camcamomile cleansing oil, For people with Oily/ Combination ( like me ), this cleansing oil is perfect because it hydrates my skin without leaving a greasy residue. Works very well with removing my base and eye makeup. In conjunction with the oil cleanser I use the Clinique 'Take the day off' cleansing cloth, to ensure all makeup is throughly removed. I find my skin is extra clean, since I started using these the cloth with the cleanser. 


Second cleanser: 
Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit Cleansing cream wash / Garner Skin Naturals Pure Active Intensive Charcoal Scrub

If you have read my morning routine post, you will know I also use the cleansing cream in the morning as well, on normal days it works well as a night time cleanser as well. Its gentle, non drying formula is perfect for night time. 

Twice a week on days when I don't do a clay mask, I would use the Garnier charcoal scrub. It works very efficiently in cleansing deep into my pores. 

I would use this in conjunction with this fish shape exfoliator, with the concept of the very popular 'Clarisonic'. It is a exfoliating cleansing brush, its brittles are SO SOFT ! Therefore if you accidentally scrub your skin too hard along with the cleanser, you won't damage your skin ! 

I got this brush from my local SASA in Hong Kong! So cheap but very effective ! 

Toner: Garnier Pure Micellar Cleansing water

This is the only product from my routine, I would not repurchase since it is very effective as a third step in ensuring all the makeup and dirt is removed from my skin, but is has quite a drying formula. Not very hydrating. How would use it is, I would put some onto a cotton pad and swipe it on my skin. 

Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair Serum / Estee Lauder Clear difference Advanced Blemish Serum

These two products is my most expensive skincare products, but it works AMAZINGLY WELL ! 
Serums is the only product I would splurge my money on, since its texture is thin enough to repair skin cells deep within the skin. I can never fully explain how AMAZING these two serums are, it has LITERALLY IMPROVED my skin SOOOO much within the past year ! 

I would use the Clear difference Blemish Serum on days when my skin is breaking out, and I would use the Advanced Night repair on nights when I have a special even to attend to the next day and I want my skin to glow, or if I'm seeing someone special ! 

The Advance Night repair is Estee Lauder's BEST SELLER and I can definitely see why, it has DEFINITELY reduced the appearance of my acne scars as well as the texture of my skin!   

A little goes a long way, so I would only use one or two drops a night. 

Avene Hydrance Optimale Light Hydrating Cream 

Avene is my favourite drugstore Skincare brand

This moisturiser is SOOO hydrating but at the same time NON- GREASY ! It works very well as a final layer in my skincare routine. I have defiantly seen a difference in my skin since using this, as it has become more hydrated and softer. I use the light version as a night time moisturiser since the rich version's texture would be too heavy for my oily skin. 

Sheet Masks / Clay Masks
On nights when I have been wearing makeup for a long period of time or I have a special event to attend the next day I would put on a mask. 

Sheet Masks: 
I would use these instead of serum, therefore after I apply my toner. Then I would apply moisturiser afterwards to seal in the moisture. My favourite brands as 'My beauty diary ' and Etude House Sheet masks. 

My Top three picks: 

This 'My Beauty Diary' Apple Polyphenol Mask is an oil control and pore constringing sheet mask. Works amazing well at controlling my oil levels the next day, as well as healing my blemishes. 


This Etude House sheet mask instantly heels your blemishes over night! This is the sheet mask I would reach for when my skin breaks out really badly, In comparison to the ' My Beauty Sheet Masks', its formula acts like an intensive acne treatment, that does NOT dry out your skin. 

This Etude House sheet mask has the same formula as the toner I use in the morning, A very hydrating but Non- greasy formula, perfect for nights when your skin feels very dry. 

Non - greasy therefore perfect for oily/ Combination skin types

Clay Masks : 

Estee Lauder Clear Difference Purifying Exfoliating Mask

It's another high end skincare product, but again WORKS AMAZING WELL! 


This clay mask very effectively draws out all the dirt and oil deep within the pores. My skin INSTANTLY clears up after I wash this off. I leave it on my cleansed skin for 5 mins, then wash off with lukewarm water. 

Instantly the discolouration on my skin is balanced out, the spots on my skin are reduced / gone. Overall my skin is improved within minutes! Seriously a MUST BUY ITEM ! 

When I first bought this I was sceptical about paying so much money and only leaving it on for a short period of time, so I left it on for half an hour ( Like other clay masks), and it didn't do anything for my skin.

 Recently, I have reused the product and I followed precisely as the instructions said, leaving it on for ONLY 5 MINUTES! AMAZING RESULTS ! My pores are cleared and cleaned! 

Its also an exfoliating mask therefore I would wet my hands with water after the 5 minutes and exfoliate my skin gently. It really does clean my skin efficiently.  

Will defiantly repurchase this product ! 

Morning Skincare Routine for Acne/ Oily Skin !

My current morning skincare routine 2016 

Since I was around the ages of  10 / 11, I have suffered with severe to mild acne. My skin type is Oily  in the hot summer days, and Combination during Winter. For the past 9 years I have experimented with ALOT of different acne skincare remedies and products. Some have done wonders for my skin, some have left me completely disappointed. Here is my current skincare routine, hope this helps others who are have oily/ acne prone skin :D 

Morning routine

In the morning, I like to use a gentle cleanser that will cleanse my skin throughly ignored to prep my skin for makeup. Recently I have been using OATMEAL to cleanse my skin, yes oatmeal! Crazy but it  works. ( I will write a more detailed post on how I cleanse my skin with it). It works especially well when my skin is breaking out REALLY badly. 

On days when my skin is not so sensitive, I have been using the Neutrogena's Cream cleanser. This is more fourth repurchase. Which shows how much I love using it! Its so gentle and really does cleanse my skin throughly without making my skin dry. Out of the entire pink grapefruit range, this cream cleanser is the only cleanser that made a difference to my skin. 


After cleansing my skin, with the cleanser and lukewarm water. I use a toner to balance the pH levels in my skin. In the morning, I like to use the Hada Labo Hyaluronic acid toner, the name sounds scary but Hyaluronic Acid is very popular in Japanese products, since it is very effective in hydrating the skin. This toner is a number 1 seller in Japan. 

How I use it, is I take three drops onto my palm, rub my palms together, then massage it into my skin gently until it fully absorbs. 


I am currently using the Neutrogena Pink grapefruit moisturiser. This moisturiser works really well,  absorbs into the skin really well and is non- greasy. Works really well as a makeup base! I've tried the oil - free moisturiser as well, I personally both moisturisers work just as well; but its best to use a cleanser and moisturiser within the same product range as this will increase it efficiency.  

Final step : Sunscreen ( on hot summer days) 

During the Summer, I like to apply sunscreen as the final layer inorder to protect my skin from the harmful UV rays. 

Tip: If you suffer from acne ( like me ), its best to wear sunscreen all year round, Since the UV rays can damage your skin's protective layer which leads to spots.  During winter you can use a sunscreen with a lower SPF ( Sun protection factor), such as SPF 10 to 20. In comparison, in summer its best to  SPF 50 and above, with PA++++. 

I like to use Japanese brands, since I find they are the least greasy and most hydrating. 

The Biore UV sunscreen is the MOST HYDRATING sunscreen I have used so far, it has a gel texture which makes it very comfortable when applied to the skin. My cousin bought this for me, and the first time I used it, I instantly loved it! Since then it has become my most reached product in terms of sunscreen. 

My second favourite sunscreen is Sunplay Sunscreen, this sunscreen is a spray - on formula. Non greasy and has a powdery after texture. I mainly use on my body rather than my face, but if I do. I would spray some on my hands and pat it onto my skin. It is sweat and water resistant, Perfect for summer !