Thursday 26 January 2017

I still miss you I'm sorry

It been a month since we had any contact, I regret not cherishing the days we were really good friends and talked everyday online. Re- reading our chat messages and thinking how happy i was during that time.

Now,  I feel lost, unloved, insecure. I really want to see you again but in the nearby future there doesn't seem like there is a chance I will. I regularly check snapchat, Instagram and Facebook to see if you update your profile. If I could I really wish I could travel back in time and meet you again. Let you see a better impression of me, become closer to you. Back when I first met you, you did not have my heart nowadays you are the only one I think of. Did you ever feel this way how too. Where did I stand in your life after we became closer after that night of Halloween.

Please don't be so harsh with me, why do you have to stop all contact with me. Everyday I really hope a message will appear on my phone from you. Whenever wherever you are.

When will I find true love, when will I stop falling in so quickly. Always waiting for you to look at my snapchat story.

Infant of my friends I seem to have this mask on with a smile pretending my life full of happiness. In reality, at night when I am alone in my room. The mask is removed and my true emotions are reflected. The image of already moved on from Alex and continuing with my life, an appearance of not thinking about him anymore, but every time his name comes up part of my heart gradually breaks as I think about the time we were close. Is there really another girl in his life, is she prettier than me, she is smarter than me. Is she better than me.

Whats wrong with me. 
Am I not good enough. 
Am I not pretty enough. 
Am I good enough for you.....
Was it really my fault 
what did I do wrong 

As I look in the mirror, what do i see , how do i feel 
Do I like this image of myself 
Is this the Sammy Tang I know or how I am viewed by others 

Every time the same sequence of events happens when I meet someone. When will my Knight in shining armour appear! 

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