Monday 7 November 2016

After a storm there is always a rainbow !

So its deadline month again, November! Every week it seems there is some form of deadline waiting to meet me, with the monster deadline awaiting defeat at the final days of the month. Last weekend was so much fun and really helped to relieve some of the stress. On Saturday, my friends and I went up to London to do fabric research and sightseeing. Travelling around my favourite area in London, Soho. Also, we stopped over in Shoreditch to see a exhibition by Lazy Oaf. Afterwards, we walked past a food market and found my favourite Hong Kong egg rolls. I've heard about this stall on Instagram and I finally got the chance to try it. I immediately sent a photo to Alex :D ! It felt so good to have it again since the last time I had egg rolls was in Summer. Then Pris and I took the tube to Leicester Square and went to China Town. Like sisters, we hung out and explored the area. Drinking Cream Green Tea and admiring the night view down Regent's street. My favourite area to look at the night lights is definitely Piccadilly Circus. The iconic image of London. The city buildings glow in the dark. As Christmas is fast approaching it makes the atmosphere very joyful.

Sunday was work day for me. Stress and drowning in the amount of work that needed completing for my tutorial Monday morning. The tutorial went very well, since I was the only one who turned up I was able to get my tutor's full attention. Afterwards, I called home since its been a while since Ive spoken to Mum. It was relaxing to here wise words from mum and share a conversation. What really brightened my day was, after my tutorial I posted on snapchat the fact I had not slept. Soon after I get a snap from Alex. Brief conversation but it was his initiative to talk to me was what made me very happy, since I thought chances with him were slim since he declined his invite to Hannah's party since he had Uni both days :( ! It feels really warm to talk to someone who comes from the same background as you as you can share the same language and culture. Today was a very happy day, very rewarding. Allowing me to recharge and carry on working hard for the future deadlines. Recently, I've been really into Dean's songs. It's a mixture of soft RnB and rap. Very soothing and good for getting me in the mood; whether its to work and chilling.

Quote of the post: After a storm there is always a rainbow. Just because today was a bad day doesn't mean tomorrow will be too. Smile and stay Positive Sammy  ! :D

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