Sunday 9 July 2017

Fresh start

So today Alex boarded a plane for Hong Kong. After hearing about this news I was shocked and very upset, the feeling of loneliness overcame me. Even during work the next day I could not contain my emotions and his name kept entering my thoughts. I felt very lost.. again.  Soon after I was in denial about this as there was no other confirmation concerning this until today.

When I saw he posted on snapchat he was boarding a plane at T5 I knew it was true, even writing on Facebook he doesn't know when he will be back. The reality soon hit. It came true but I had to accept the reality. Trying hard not to be upset but instead take this as an opportunity for a fresh start.

A fresh start to meet someone I deserve, the right person at the right time. To my suprise instead of feeling trapped like when I heard about this news I felt... free. Free from thinking about him all the time how miserable I felt for the past 6 months. I was finally free... a breath of fresh air.

He will always be the first boy who made me cry and in a nightmare for 6 months. I think its best for both our interests he is not in the UK anymore as this will defiantly cut him out my life for good.

New middle parting to mark the new start ? :D